Will Adenomyoeis Continue to Build Up
If you're reading this, you might feel like your life is out of your control during 'that time of the month'.
It's so hard to juggle your usual commitments when your period hits you like a ton of bricks. If you've got period problems, leaving the house is a chore and the brain fog makes it hard to keep your priorities straight… that's a perfect recipe for an anxious breakdown.
It's about time to get to the bottom of your period issues so you can overcome your period and get back to feeling (and living) like yourself again.
But even though we help so many women who experience identical symptoms like excruciating cramps, low, low energy, heavy bleeding, back pain and so on, the underlying cause may not be the same. What makes it even more difficult is that some menstrual conditions, such as adenomyosis, are often misdiagnosed from the get-go. It's important to get an accurate diagnosis so that an effective, natural treatment for adenomyosis can be used to heal.
What is Adenomyosis?
Adenomyosis is a condition where the endometrium grows into the uterine muscles. This can happen in one area or it can impact the entire uterus. The endometrial tissue within the uterine wall responds to hormones just like the rest of the endometrium: it gets thicker as estrogen rises which puts pressure on the surrounding muscles. At the end of your cycle this tissue is triggered by inflammatory prostaglandins (read: cramps) and breaks down which is painful too.
If you have bad menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, bloating before your period and/or heavy periods, you may have adenomyosis. This diagnosis is common, and even more so in middle-aged women who've had children. Adenomyosis is underdiagnosed, and we wrote this article to give you the info you need to feel like you're back in control of your health and yourself.
Diagnosing Adenomyosis
If you suspect you have adenomyosis, the first place to start is with a physical pelvic exam at your MD's office. Your lower belly may feel bloated or tender to the touch because of the extra endometrial tissue. From there, a transvaginal ultrasound is used to get a clearer picture of the uterus and rule out other conditions. Finally, an MRI can provide very clear images and is used to confirm the presence of endometrium in the uterine wall.
Conventional Treatment
If you know you have adenomyosis, you're probably researching online because you're looking for alternatives to what the doctor suggested.
Depending on your symptoms, they may have simply prescribed you ibuprofen and sent you on your way. Because adenomyosis is influenced by hormones, your doctor will likely recommend an IUD or hormonal medications.
If your symptoms are more severe and you're finished with childbearing, you could opt for a procedure such as a uterine artery embolization, endometrial ablation, or a hysterectomy.
Natural Treatment For Adenomyosis
If you want to have kids sometime in the future, if hormones and surgery go against your values, if you believe in treating the cause and not the symptom, or a little of all three, you need to know that conventional treatment isn't your only option. It's possible to get in control of your symptoms of adenomyosis with a holistic approach. Our natural treatment for adenomyosis centers around the creation of a healing environment in the body so that hormone balance can be restored. Read on to see what our holistic approach entails.
#1 Get Tested
You may have already been for blood tests and the results have come back as 'normal'. However, there is more comprehensive testing available that will reveal key details about your hormones. We stand by dried urine testing, which can tell us how your body breaks down key hormones that aggravate your symptoms of adenomyosis. Once we understand where the body needs our help, we can build a protocol to support the healing process.
The thing is, test results are not useful if they're misunderstood. It's important to work with a knowledgeable practitioner who can combine your health history, your lifestyle, and the test results to chart a personal course for your healing journey and help you along the way. This is what we do for clients in our online program, the Complete Period Relief Solution.
#2 Avoid Endocrine Disruptors
Chemicals from everyday products like plastics, personal care and cleaning products, and even food contain endocrine (hormone) disruptors that mess with your hormones. This aggravates your symptoms of adenomyosis and it's important to limit your exposure. This is often a blind spot because of 'greenwashing'. Many products are labeled as 'natural' and 'healthy' that contain these harmful chemicals, and so does their packaging. Get clear on how common hormone disruptors show up and take stock of your most-used products to make sure you're not unwittingly exposing yourself.
#3 Reduce Stress
Stressful situations elevate cortisol, the stress hormone. When cortisol is elevated, it activates your survival response and makes sex hormone production second priority. By learning how to manage the day-to-day stress that comes your way, you are taking a huge step toward sustainable hormone balance.
#4 Follow A Pain-Free Period Diet
Eat a fibre-rich, anti-inflammatory diet that includes organic, colourful vegetables, seasonal fruits, raw nuts and seeds. Food provides the building blocks for hormone production and helps remove hormonal waste from the body. In addition, avoid inflammatory foods like dairy, sugar, and foods that you're intolerant to. A healing diet that is full of easy, tasty meals is crucial to getting relief from adenomyosis bloating, cramping and pain. Read more about the specifics here.
Although modern medical procedures can help diagnose adenomyosis, conventional treatment options are not in line with what women want for their bodies and their lives. It's important to know that there is a holistic alternative out there to help reduce your pain and restore your life to what it was before adenomyosis took over.
If you think you have adenomyosis or have been diagnosed and want support, we can help you get a plan together during a free Period Pain Audit Call. Contact us here to apply for a call.
Thanks to Web MD for providing facts on how adenomyosis is currently diagnosed and treated in the medical field. You can check out their full article here.
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Source: https://naturalhormonehealing.com/natural-treatment-for-adenomyosis/
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